
Today is eighteenth day of Ramadan. We were at quarantine last weekend. Actually, Turkey apply quarantine only weekends and public holidays (such as May 1st, May 19th). The goverment got some decisions about normalization in quarantine. Most important decisions are that:

Barbers are going to open today,
Shopping Malls are going to open today

Theese places have closed for 3 – 4 weeks. Some people produced their own solutions. For example I bought new shaver to cutting my hair. Also my wife very happy for this product becouse product has vacuum property. When you cut your hair, it also colleting your hairs. That is amazing ! 🙂 I suggest you this product.

Last sunday, We celebrated mother’s day. However this day most important for me. Because we celebrated two event this day. My wife is a mother, also birthday 🙂 In my opinion that mothers and wifes very important people in our life so we should not forget them and we should say every time to them “Love you”. But Social media is not the way to say it. I think that a lot of people forget people whose mothers are dead. This people whose mothers are dead usually be very sad than other people. So I don’t share anything about food, mothers day, fathers day at the private days in social media.

work at home!

I have worked home office since 12th day of March. That is first home office experiance. I can say, Home office system has positive and negative situations. Maybe I can share different post about theese datails. Actualy I want to share next working period at Toyota Turkey. Most Probably, After Ramadan Eid, We will works two days at office, three days at home. Normalization will be starting slowly.


Some important vacanbulary for me
Bağışıklık => immunity
Perhiz => Fasting
Aşı => vaccine
Taşıyıcı => carrier
Etkilenmek => be affected
Bitki Yetiştirmek => growing planet
Gün batımı => sun set
Gecikmiş => belated
Karantina => quarantine
Karantina(Daha katı) => lockdown

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